How can dyspraxia help you in your work? BBLTRANSLATION´s experience

BBL Translation

Often unknown, dyspraxia is rarely talked about, not only in the media, but also when it comes to education. Dyspraxia raises many questions, and often there is a lack of knowledge or means to put into place facilities for dyspraxic students.

Luckily, it has been proven that dyspraxia can have advantages in the workplace.

BBLTRANSLATION has wanted to take a chance on a staff member of the renowned translation agency, and advises businesses to not shut their door on diversity, whatever form it takes, seeing as behind each difference there is always a special quality hiding. In fact, what we can learn is that this betters us, both as people and as professionals.

Firstly, we agree with Emma Lewell-Buck on the fact that problem-solving skills are highly sought after by employers.

Moreover, we think that another advantage they have in the workplace is that even though the task takes them longer, this is due to more effort being put in it, which shows that people with dyspraxia are more diligent.

In addition, another quality proved to be useful in the work environment is perseverance, especially when under pressure. A person with dyspraxia is also more empathetic than others, and their listening skills are more developed.

In our opinion, and how the above-mentioned articles confirm, another skill which is useful in the workplace is the desire to prove your abilities, which people with dyspraxia most definitely do, as they tend to doubt themselves a lot. Thus, it is noticeable that people with dyspraxia are often perfectionists and have a tendency to worry about doing something wrong, therefore they repeat until the result is perfect, which at a professional level is a very useful quality.

We can agree that an essential quality in the professional world, which dyspraxic people have, is motivation, which is clearly reflected in their attitude and work.

Moreover, a huge advantage they have in the work world is the determination and need to succeed at all costs.

Another asset beneficial for the work environment which dyspraxic people have is that they are often fine strategists, and creative in finding a solution to a problem.

Contrary to what one may think about dyspraxic people, they are very intelligent, and in the workplace they reflect deeply on issues and often find innovative solutions for them.

For example, leaders like Richard Branson, the English billionaire businessman famous for creating the Virgin brand, suffers from dyslexia. When he was younger, he had very low academic results, and he was considered lazy and stupid. That is to say, his brain was very active, but he was struggled with a lack of concentration. That’s why, at the age of 16, he abandoned his studies and moved to London, where he started his first business successfully.

Finally, one could say that one of the most useful traits in the professional world that people with dyspraxia possess is helpfulness, and by nature they are likely to help others, therefore making them very understanding.

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