How to grow your business on social media

BBL Translation

In this digital age, the importance and power of social media is undeniable. That’s why for a business to grow today, there is no doubt that companies require some form of online presence. Currently, platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn are at the touch of a screen for more than 3 billion users worldwide. So, if your business hasn’t already moved itself on to a digital platform, there is a huge consumer opportunity going to waste from right under your nose!

This article provides some of the most important aspects to keep in mind when running a business on social media, so you can keep up to date with a platform that is constantly evolving so you can get your name out there digitally.

Brand awareness

Whether your business is selling a product or service, by moving onto social media, the ability to connect with a much larger consumer audience is immediate. Networks like Facebook and Instagram offer the ability to create business pages and accounts for free. These types of business pages offer exclusive tools for their users including advertising opportunities. As Facebook is the world’s leading social media network with more than 3.2 billion active users worldwide, this is definitely a recommended place to begin marketing your business. Regardless of whether your brand already operates using other forms of social media, as Facebook generates high-traffic to its platform daily, this is potential high-traffic that your business could be missing out on.


As a business, marketing shouldn’t be anything new to you, but being in tune with how social media marketing works is a must if your company wishes to reach the highest possible audience and gain the most impact. These areas range from the content posted, the hashtags used and even the time of the day said posts are uploaded.

  • Content: Being a regular content-uploader is a must if you want ever-growing engagement with your business. By uploading frequently, it allows your brand to become more memorable to your following and allow them to form as much a personal relationship possible with you online
  • Hashtags: First introduced to Twitter in 2007, the hashtag phenomenon has transformed the way in which material is engaged with on social media over the years; allowing users to connect with specific content. As a business, you should be using hashtags that are popular amongst users that represent you as a brand to ensure maximised exposure to potential consumers. Another important thing to keep in mind is to stay up to date with trending topics and whether you can join in on the conversation within reason. This in-turn allows your business enhanced exposure on pages accessed by high traffic all over the world.
  • Time: The time content is posted is another factor which greatly determines how much engagement your business receives on social media. Platforms like Instagram offer business-account analytics which allow you to see information such as: the demographic of your followers, which countries engage most with your posts and at what time your followers are most active. With these tools, Instagram has done all the work for you so all you need to do is act accordingly with that information.
  • Top-tip: If your following is based largely in a different time zone to you, there are medias available which are able to automatically post your content for you at a specified time!


Social media is also a great tool to evolve yourself to be recognisable against other businesses in your field. You can see how top competitors market themselves to their following as well as take note of the areas where they may lack where you thrive. This allows you to know which areas of your brand must be highlighted to potential consumers on social media to make a distinct name for your company and help you stand out from the crowd.  

Want to stand out from the crowd? Use human translations instead of machine translations! Engagement is guaranteed with human translated content!

Here at BBLTranslation we’ve taken advantage of social media platforms to best deliver content to our followers we know they’ll love. We upload daily on our Instagram and Twitter, posting interesting content from languages and travel to business and technology. It’s our mission as a company to help small and large-scale companies go global through professional, 0 mistake translations. Our social medias are at the core of representing who we are with our content, aiming to engage with our followers, whether that be inspiring them to entrust in our services or simply to start learning a new language!

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Instagram: @bbltranslation



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Important warning: we recommend that you carefully read the contents of this legal text prior to providing any personal data through the website of Bibielle Global Translations, SL, owner of and responsible for the correct application of the Privacy Policy.
In accordance with the regulations applicable to the protection of personal data, and the new provisions contained in the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter GDPR), directly applicable from 25 May 2018, Bibielle Global Translations, SL informs you of the following:
i. Contact details of the Data Controller: Bibielle Global Translations, SL (hereinafter BBL), with Tax Identification No. B65336885, registered office at Calle Cartagena 241, Barcelona, 08025, Spain, and contact e-mail

ii. Purposes: Data collected through the contact e-mail address, or service quotation request form, will be incorporated into files owned by BBL with the purpose of handling, managing and responding to your request or contact. The data provided will not be used for purposes other than those for which it was collected.

iii. In addition, and on a voluntary basis, you may provide your consent (by ticking the corresponding box or registration) to us sending commercial communications, by any route and/or electronic means, and keeping you informed about the services which, being similar to the current ones, may interest you, and which BBL offers to its Clients and users under more advantageous conditions, and to carry out market or customer satisfaction surveys.

iv. Retention: The data will be retained for the time necessary to achieve the purposes for which it was collected, in order to respond to the subject of your request or contact, and while there continues to be a mutual interest. It will be deleted when it is no longer necessary for such purposes, the commercial or contractual relationship ends, unless its retention is required by law.

If you provide your consent to the sending of commercial communications, personal data will be processed actively while you have the status of User, or until you withdraw your consent.

v. Data communication: In no event will your data be transferred or communicated to a third party, unless required by law; nor will it be transferred internationally, except with the unequivocal consent of the data subject, and prior information about the possible recipients, purpose and, where appropriate, country of destination.

vi. Duty of secrecy: BBL complies strictly with the duty of secrecy and confidentiality of personal data, and for this reason has implemented technical, organisational and security measures to prevent its unauthorised alteration, loss, processing and/or access, taking account of the state of the art, the nature of the stored data and the risks to which they are exposed, all of this as established by Spanish and European legislation on the Protection of Personal Data.

vii. Rights of the data subject:

a. To exercise the rights of access, rectification, erasure and objection, limitation of treatment, data portability and not being the subject of automated individual decisions, by writing to Bibielle Global Translations, SL, Calle Cartagena 241, Barcelona, 08025 Spain or at indicating the subject of your request, and attaching a [copy of your] national identity card or passport.
b. To complain to the Supervisory Authority: if a user considers that their data is not being used properly, and this matter is not addressed by BBL, they may submit a complaint to the relevant data protection authority, which in Spain is the Agencia Española de Protección de Datos.

Important warning: we recommend that you carefully read the contents of this legal text prior to providing any personal data through the website of Bibielle Global Translations, SL, owner of and responsible for the correct application of the Privacy Policy.
In accordance with the regulations applicable to the protection of personal data, and the new provisions contained in the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter GDPR), directly applicable from 25 May 2018, Bibielle Global Translations, SL informs you of the following:
i. Contact details of the Data Controller: Bibielle Global Translations, SL (hereinafter BBL), with Tax Identification No. B65336885, registered office at Calle Cartagena 241, Barcelona, 08025 Spain, and contact e-mail

ii. Purposes: Data collected through the contact e-mail address, or service quotation request form, will be incorporated into files owned by BBL with the purpose of handling, managing and responding to your request or contact. The data provided will not be used for purposes other than those for which it was collected.

iii. In addition, and on a voluntary basis, you may provide your consent (by ticking the corresponding box or registration) to us sending commercial communications, by any route and/or electronic means, and keeping you informed about the services which, being similar to the current ones, may interest you, and which BBL offers to its Clients and users under more advantageous conditions, and to carry out market or customer satisfaction surveys.

iv. Retention: The data will be retained for the time necessary to achieve the purposes for which it was collected, in order to respond to the subject of your request or contact, and while there continues to be a mutual interest. It will be deleted when it is no longer necessary for such purposes, the commercial or contractual relationship ends, unless its retention is required by law.

If you provide your consent to the sending of commercial communications, personal data will be processed actively while you have the status of User, or until you withdraw your consent.

v. Data communication: In no event will your data be transferred or communicated to a third party, unless required by law; nor will it be transferred internationally, except with the unequivocal consent of the data subject, and prior information about the possible recipients, purpose and, where appropriate, country of destination.

vi. Duty of secrecy: BBL complies strictly with the duty of secrecy and confidentiality of personal data, and for this reason has implemented technical, organisational and security measures to prevent its unauthorised alteration, loss, processing and/or access, taking account of the state of the art, the nature of the stored data and the risks to which they are exposed, all of this as established by Spanish and European legislation on the Protection of Personal Data.

vii. Rights of the data subject:

a. To exercise the rights of access, rectification, erasure and objection, limitation of treatment, data portability and not being the subject of automated individual decisions, by writing to Bibielle Global Translations, SL, Calle Cartagena 241, Barcelona, 08025 Spain or at indicating the subject of your request, and attaching a [copy of your] national identity card or passport.
b. To complain to the Supervisory Authority: if a user considers that their data is not being used properly, and this matter is not addressed by BBL, they may submit a complaint to the relevant data protection authority, which in Spain is the Agencia Española de Protección de Datos.

viii. If you receive commercial communications by electronic means, in accordance with the Spanish Law of Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services (LSSICE), you may withdraw your consent, unsubscribe or modify your data using the same channel, through the e-mail address, which will be specified in each communication.