Edutainment: the immersive example of Puy du Fou in Spain

BBL Translation

Studying Spanish literature means entering into a world full of history, culture and tradition. The new frontier of immersive experiences can significantly enrich the theoretical knowledge of literary works. A particularly interesting example is offered by Puy du Fou España, the theme park located in Toledo, Spain, that attracts visitors with top quality historical shows. An excellent opportunity to explore the importance of such an adventure for English students studying Spanish literature or Spanish language. There are about 49 Universities in the UK offering Spanish Language degrees and courses.

A journey through time and culture

A journey through time and civilisation, indeed. The historical performances of Puy du Fou España are rightly renowned for being astonishing: every show is a journey through time that marks the crucial moments of Spanish history, bringing them back to life. Seeing them narrated vividly opens a new perspective that enhances the understanding of the context in which the works related to that period were written, with its facets, its lights and shadows, its mentality. For instance, a show that reproduces the medieval era will contribute to better visualising and grasping the socio-cultural context described in the works of authors like Cervantes.

Interaction with cultural heritage

In the shows staged at Puy du Fou España, the interaction with cultural heritage plays a significant role, deeply rooted in Spanish literature, where themes and traditions explored in the studied works are brought to life. Festivals, rituals, historical battles: staging them means offering a total immersion in the background of the studied texts, allowing for a better understanding.

We are talking about a new type of teaching, experiential learning, which goes beyond the known paths of the intellectual process and extends into the sensory realm. Puy du Fou España stages shows with visual and sound effects that engage on multiple levels. Multisensory assimilation proves particularly effective for memorising and understanding complex concepts, allowing information to be deeply absorbed.

Sensory stimulation

Emotion thus becomes a vehicle for education because the stories narrated at Puy du Fou España are full of evocative elements, from epic battles to tragic love stories. Intense sensations make learning more relevant and lasting, scientifically speaking, and help create a stronger connection with the study material. Watching dramatic performances can inspire deeper discussions and reflections on the themes addressed in the works themselves.

Finally, another advantage of this adventure, which might initially go unnoticed: the enhancement of linguistic comprehension.

Living language and context

We at BBLTranslation, with a deep passion for languages, couldn’t help but be captivated by these shows that offer the opportunity to hear Spanish in a dynamic and natural context. This not only improves language comprehension but also allows one to grasp lexical nuances, both cultural and historical. Listening to the language within the context of the stories can greatly enhance the philological skills of the students.

The linguistic richness

On stage, Lope de Vega and Cervantes are an integral part of Spain’s linguistic richness: students have the opportunity to learn the academic language as well as its regional and historical variants, thereby enhancing their vocabulary and linguistic comprehension.


A visit to Puy du Fou España for English students goes beyond a simple school trip. It’s an opportunity for immersive learning that brings the pages of textbooks to life, providing a deeper and nuanced understanding of history, culture, and language. It allows literature to be experienced directly and engagingly through sensory experience. All of this comes together to be an unforgettable adventure.


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